© Centre for European Studies - Alexandru
Ioan Cuza University of Iași
International conference .
The conferences had a cross border
character with the participation of
young academics, researchers, professors, PhD
students, particularly (but not limited to) from the
institutions of the network, having as fundament
the results and studies achieved during the three-
year lifespan of the project. The conferences had a
strong academic interdisciplinary character by
looking at some of the main research directions
studied since the beginning of our project: the
assessment of the neighbourhood instruments in
the region, CBC, ENI, ENP & EaP frameworks, etc.
EU and its neighbourhood: enhancing EU
actorness in the eastern borderlands (15-17
November 2020, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of
Iasi, Romania) | web page
Assessing the EU’s actorness in the eastern
neighbourhood (2-3 July 2021, Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iasi, Romania - hybrid) | web page
COORDINATOR: Teodor Lucian Moga (P1) |
ENACTED events provided a great opportunity for
the network members to meet and share both their
research results and also debate ways of
cooperating beyond the project’s lifespan.
Forums “University
in society” (2018
Iasi, Romania; 2021
Minsk, Belarus)
The International Forums were specifically
designed to bring together particularly the societal
actors in the border regions who are interested in
issues related to the Eastern border of the EU. The
two events had jointly organised by the NGO
partners from the network in order to generate a
greater appeal among the wider public. Apart from
fostering a favourable environment for debates
and problem-solving type of discussions, it also
enhances cooperation and dialogue between
specialists in the academic field and civil society
representatives from the border area.
University in society: Cross-border cooperation
and regional development (18-19 May 2018,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) |
webpage | poster |programme | photos
University in society: Cross-border cooperation
and regional development (2 April 2021, Belarus -
hybrid) | programme | summary | photo
COORDINATOR: Bogdan Ibanescu (P1)
Summer school for
young academics
“Explaining the EU’s
actorness and its
role in the eastern
neighbourhood of the EU” (2018 edition
in Oradea, Romania; 2019 edition in
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova).
The summer school, part of the same package of
activities oriented towards teaching and research,
was aimed first at offering an in-depth analysis of
the EU’s external role and its impact over the wider
eastern neighbourhood area in an altered context
marked by the Ukrainian crisis and the existing
tensions with Russia.
COORDINATORS: 2018: Ioan Horga (P2), Klari
Czimre (P12); 2019: Olesea Sirbu (P4), Rodica
Crudu (P5), Pascariu Gabriela Carmen (P1)
Summer School: The Eastern Partnership
between Blockage and Revitalization (6-13
June 2018/ Oradea, Romania) | webpage
Summer School: Explaining the EU’s
Actorness and its Role in the Eastern
Neighbourhood of the EU (June 6-15, 2019,
Chisinau, Moldova) | webpage
Joint Roundtables
on “University in
Development and
integration at EU’s
borderlines by dialog and knowledge
exchange” .
The joint roundtables aimed at ‘outsourcing’ the
main results of the project to the stakeholders who
are not necessarily involved in the academic field:
policy-makers, civil society activists, professionals
and develop a favourable context for a tripartite
debate university-policymakers-society on specific
issues in EU Eastern borderlines to find jointly best
practices and solutions.
The meetings was address specific topics on ENP
and CBC as resulted from research and exchange
knowledge within the network [read more…]
Essay Contest
“Looking to the
future - Common
values, common
Every year of the implementation of the proposed
project, there will be organised a contest of essays
addressing the students all over the network, on
topics related to European Studies (e.g. European
Integration, European values and culture, European
cooperation, EU foreign affairs, ENP and EaP, etc.).
The contest will be organised in two steps: 1. local
contest (in the universities partners; the network’
non-academic partners will be involved in promotion
and evaluation); 2. International contest [read
“EU Neighbours’
day – together for a
common future”.
The “EU Neighbours’
day – together for a
common future”, a novel concept developed within
our network was organised in partner institutions
on the 7th of May each year, thus coinciding with
the launching day of the Eastern Partnership. This
day was organised in order to celebrate the
neighbourly relations The highlights of the day was
consist of different cultural exhibitions having the
‘idea of Europe’ as centrepiece, various artistic and
cultural events, debates about Europe providing
explanations about the EU integration process,
answering questions about what the EU actually
means, how it functions, an awarding ceremony for
a planned essay contest etc. [read more…]
Study visits for
young academics in
European Studies.
The research visits for
young academics (staff
members) in European Studies was aimed at
promoting academic exchange and the transfer of
knowledge between the institutions from the
network. Besides broadening the experience and
skills of the participants in such exchange
programmes, the research visits are also aimed at
enhancing the career prospects of participants and
facilitate intercultural understanding through
cooperation. The objective of this action was to
ensure the necessary framework for academic
mobility of young academics. The design of the
research visits is premised on the idea of gaining
valuable academic and professional experience
through short term scholarships which allow them to
undertake research at one of the partner
RESULTS: 7 study visits
COORDINATOR: Alina Mirabela Gentimir (P1)