© Centre for European Studies - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the inf















Association of Institute for Euroregional Studies (ISER) was created in January 2008 as legal entity registered at the University of Oradea, which is involve to reach the activity of Institute for Euroregional Studies (ISER) created in 2005 as a “Jean Monnet” European Centre of Excellence of the Universities of Oradea and Debrecen by the Jean Monnet Project no C05/0015. ISER is involved in the regional, local and professional networks: networking for twinning local communities; regional universities networking (Oradea – Debrecen – Kosice); networking with business associative structures (businessmen federations, SME local councils, Chambers of commerce); networking with business enterprises. ISER collaborates closely with prestigious institutions of research: The International Institute of Administrative Sciences of Brussels, the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies of the XXth century from the University of Coimbra, Centre Virtual of European Knowledge (Luxembourg), European Evaluation Society and from other research institution from SNSPA Bucharest, University Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi. ISER is owner of one Database about Curriculum of European Studies from 12 EU Members. ISER is owner of one Database ICMEEB (Initiative and Constraint in the Mapping of Evolving European Borders) with more 2000 primary sources and more than 2500 bibliographical sources concerning the borders studies and CBC cooperation. ISER edited the Eurolimes journal that publish the research on the borders studies, CBC cooperation. ISER edited the books about the researches in the fields of borders studies, CBC cooperation, regional studies, identities, minorities, security etc.
Ioan HORGA is the Co-director of Institute for Euroregional Studies. Professor Ioan Horga since 2002 is a “Jean Monnet” Chair in Euroregional Studies at University of Oradea. Director of Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (www.iser.rdsor.ro); Editor of Eurolimes journal, specialised in borders studies; researcher in the field of frontiers, of CBC cooperation, regional development in border area; Associate Professor and PhD coordinator in the field of International Relations and European Studies at Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca; Member of the Scientific Council of the Master in European Studies lead by the University of Siena, in Italy; Member of UACES, EUSA and Romanian Association for International Relations and European Studies. It was the coordinator of JM Multilateral Research Group entitled Initiative and Constraint in the Mapping of Evolving European Borders, no. 200599-LLP-1-2011-1-Ro-AJM-RE Role in the project: local coordinator, teaching, research, events deliverable activities.
Luminita SOPRONI is Senior lecturer at the Department of European Studies and International Relations, University of Oradea. She is the academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet European Module “Mass-Media and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe without Borders” (2008-2012). She is involved in editorial activities, as executive editor of Eurolimes, Journal of the Institute of Euroregional Studies and associate editor of Annals of the University of Oradea. Fascicle International Relations and European Studies. Her scientific interests are focused on international economics, intercultural communication, media and regional marketing. Role in the project: research, events deliverable activities
Florentina CHIRODEA is Lecturer PhD at the Faculty of History, head of the Department of International Relations and European Studies, member of the Institute for Euro-regional Studies Oradea-Debrecen and Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies. Member of the staff in JM European Module “Mass-Media and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe without Borders” (2007-2010). She has experience in working with local and Euroregional funds as project member in: Boosting Innovation through Capacity Building and Networting of Science Centre in the SEE Region; The Frontier - Space of Innovation and Cooperation in European Union, funded by Oradea City Hall. Member of the editorial staff for Eurolimes; executive editor for Annals of the University of Oradea. Scientific interests: evaluation of European politics and program; assessment of labor skills; regional development factors. Role in the project: research, events deliverable activities.
Constantin Vasile TOCA is university assistant dr. Constantin Vasile Ţoca, department of International Relations and European Studies at the University of Oradea. JM Module Holder "The evaluation of Cross-Border Cooperation at the the frontier of EU",(2014- 2017). Member of the Institute for Euroregional Studies and the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies. Member of the editorial staff for Eurolimes, Romanian International Relations and European Studies Journal, Romanian Security Studies Journal. 35 articles presented at international conferences and published in books and journals indexed in international data bases, 2 personal books published and 4 coordinated books. The area of interest and research: cross border cooperation, evaluation of programs and European public policy, international organisations, European institutions and policies, communication and negotiation, sociology of international relations.
Edina Lilla  MÉSZÁROS is PhD Assistant at the Faculty of History from the University of Oradea, member of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen and of the editorial committee of Eurolimes. She’s a member and undertakes organisational activities within RODOSZ Bihor (The Association of Hungarian PhD students and of Young Researchers from Bihor county). Manager of the project called (Learning easier and more efficient) financed by the Oradea City Hall. Project Assistant in the JM Multilateral Research Group entitled Initiative and Constraint in the Mapping of European Evolving Borders, JM Programme, and in the project called Boosting Innovation through capacity building and networking of Science centers in the SEE Science Region, South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme. Her research interests include: border and migration studies, security studies and conflict analysis, international relations and IR theories. Role in the project: research, events deliverable activities.
Alexandra Radu is a PhD student in International Relations and Security Studies –PhD Program at Babes Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, Romania.  Her PhD researches focus on the impact of Romania-Ukraine Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme 2013- 2020 on the three neighboring countries modeled on the idea of objective-related evaluation (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, pragmatism and management and monitoring arrangements). The ex-ante analysis will also be employed as research tool, in order to observe the positive outcomes of the program for the three countries. Role in the project: research, events deliverable activities.
Eduard Ionut Feier  is a PhD student in International Relations and Security Studies PhD Program at University of Babes-Bolyai Cluj- Napoca, Romania. He works at the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Sciences and Communication Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania. His PhD researches focus on Eastern partnership and the new concept Intermarium. Role in the project: research, events deliverable activities